The garden is looking great just now with just about everything either flowering or heavy with bud. These scilla are just opening and the rhubarb is coming on nicely. I feel a crumble pie coming on!
This moggy adopted me last summer and quickly inveigled his way into our home and hearts. He sleeps just about all day in my chair and goes out hunting all night only to come back in the morning for something to eat, a cuddle and a five minute nap on my lap before going out chasing meeces again. This morning I saved a tiny fieldmouse from his grasp for which I received a look of sheer disgust! He's dozing just now upside down as if butter wouldn't melt in his jaws.
Well here I am on the big WWW. I'll take it easy to start with until I find my feet. My intention is to show some of the paintings and drawings I do on a regular, if not, daily basis. Here are a few to start: