Saturday, 23 May 2009


If you get any Emails telling you that ham and chopped pork has been infected with Swine Flu don't open's just Spam!

Friday, 22 May 2009

A Scottish Garden in May

In response to Vivien's Blog I am posting up some of the multitude of flowers presently astonishing me in my very own garden. Not many words (you'll be glad to know) but if only Blogger could offer an olfactory dimension to it's blogsite then you would half-ways understand why I get so exercised by this show of munificence:

"Centaurea montana", Feathery petals of the most delicious cornflower blue.

"Clematis Montana" covering the fence at my front door greeting me with it's abundance every morning with more buds than you can shake stick at giving promise of more abundance for weeks to come.

"Prunus laurocerausus", Laurel: Dark and quiet but reeking of early summer while I drink my Bordillino and dream of Lake Garda.

"Rhododendron Evelyn", Named after a close family friend of great intellect and deep compassion.

"Scilla", or Bluebell to you and me. Prolific and my absolutely favourite colour of blue, after cornflower, ultramarine, cobalt and cerulean, and, of course Sky blue, whenever we get the chance!